Multimodalité et enseignement des langues étrangères : représentations, propositions pédagogiques et perspectives
Palabras clave:
multimodality, reading in FLE, representations, discursive practicesResumen
In this article, we will present some results arising from a research related to multimodal discourse and the representations built by students in French as a Foreign Language (FLE) reading courses at the University of Buenos Aires. This research has allowed us to reflect not only on reading practices but also on the impact produced by the use of multimodal teaching material in class and the discursive practices that emerge from it. First, we will briefly address the problems and objectives taken as the basis of this research, which will allow us to rethink our role as FLE teachers. Then, we will share some theoretical notions that guided this study and our teaching actions. Next, we will present two multimodal didactic documents designed for FLE reading courses in a university context as well as some challenges that underlie these materials. Later, we will show some results that emerge from the second exploratory phase of our research. Finally, we will propose some points of reflection on the conception of multimodal teaching material and the teaching of reading in FLE in virtual environments.
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